The Rome Film Fest partners with the Teatro Palladium again this year for its 15th edition. The seven screenings, choice selections from Special Events, the Pre-opening Films and Riflessi, will be held at the historic Roman theater from October 17th to 25th, at 8pm.  
First up on Saturday, October 17th, Un cielo stellato sopra il ghetto di Roma by Giulio Base, in which its protagonists undertake a journey through the memory of a painful past that is hard to forget, such as the 1943 raid on the Jewish ghetto of Rome.
On Sunday, October 18th, the biographical documentary Era la più bella di tutti noi – Le molte vite di Veronica Lazar, by Leonardo Celi and Roberto Savoca, sees Alexandra Celi recount the many lives of her mother, Veronica Lazar: a film and stage actress; a Jewish refugee from Transylvania; the wife of actor Adolfo Celi; a cultural events organizer, professional psychologist, and a proud and revolutionary woman, who died in 2014.
On Monday, October 19th, the programme features L’amore non si sa by Marcello Di Noto, the story of Denis, a musician and don giovanni who does just fine on gigs playing Neapolitan songs handled by the local mob. When he winds up in the crosshairs of a reckoning between mobsters, though, he realizes that shutting up about it is not the way to go. Thanks to the love of a woman, Marian, he finds the strength to rebel.
On Tuesday, October 20th, Fest audiences can catch Ostia criminale – La mafia a Roma by Stefano Pistolini, the story of how the Mafia has moved up the peninsula to Ostia, Rome’s seaside, and put down its roots, using powerful criminal families and relying on well-oiled mechanisms of loan-sharking, drug dealing and driving the “normal” city into submission.
On Wednesday, October 21st at 8pm, the slate features Siamo in un film di Alberto Sordi? by Steve Della Casa and Caterina Taricano, who analyze the films of the legendary actor Alberto Sordi, by means of the Movie Time and Minerva archives and the reminiscences of key entertainment figures.
The film screened on Thursday, October 22nd is The Eumenides by Gipo Fasano. Named after the third play in the Oresteian Trilogy, the film revolves around the last night of freedom of a young man from a well-heeled Roman family. After having committed a crime, Valerio wanders aimlessly, in flight from invisible demons, awaiting judgment.
Last up on Friday, October 23rd, the Teatro Palladium hosts a screening of Earthling: Terrestre by Gianluca Cerasola, the world premiere of the first space documentary about the life, artistry and all the records of astronaut Luca Parmitano.
Tickets may be purchased at the box office at the theater on the evening of the event, or online on
Tickets €5. 


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