“Cinema without Borders” is the event organized by the Rome Film Fest, the MiBACT/ MigrArti Project, the Di Donato School, the Di Donato School Parents Association and Apollo 11 Association: six nights of screenings and talks in Rome’s most multi-ethnic neighbourhood, the Esquilino. Starting tomorrow, Monday, October 17th, until Saturday the 22nd every night at 9 p.m. the Di Donato Primary School near Piazza Vittorio (Via Nino Bixio, 83) opens its doors to the neighbourhood, in a 100-seat movie theatre. The programme will present six films that, with very different styles and sensibilities, look at the condition of refugees and immigrants, the hardships and the dreams of those who leave their native countries behind, and the challenge of achieving integration in a totally new environment. Each screening will be preceded by one of the winning shorts from the MigrArti Project promoted by MiBACT. The aim is to create ever stronger ties between the Rome Film Fest and the entire city, involving audiences from the city centre to its outskirts, to generate a debate on the themes of hospitality and the blending of cultures, one that rejects all forms of discrimination and racism.
The programme of “Cinema without Borders” (free admission) curated by Valerio Carocci includes:
17 October at 9 p.m.
Naufragio con spettatore by Fabio Cavalli
Agostino Ferrente presents his film The Orchestra of Piazza Vittorio (2006, 93 min)
18 October at 9 p.m.
Asi Stanala Siena – Buon giorno Restelica by Nicola Contini
Rocco and His Brothers by Luchino Visconti (1960, 170 min)
19 October at 9 p.m.
Babbo Natale by Alessandro Valenti
My Beautiful Laundrette by Stephen Frears (1985, 97 min)
20 October at 9 p.m.
Amira by Luca Lepone
Claudio Giovannesi presents his film Alì Blue Eyes (2012, 94 min)
21 October at 9 p.m.
Beles – la stagione dei fichi d’India by Massimo Ruggiero
America America by Elia Kazan (1963, 174 min)
22 October at 9 p.m.
No Borders by Haider Rashid
Gianluca Arcopinto presents My Class by Daniele Gaglianone (2013, 95 min)


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