Rome, capital city of the cinematic imagination

Rome, capital city of the cinematic imagination

Rome is a city endowed with boundless energy and a natural vocation for mingling different peoples and cultures – a city wide open to the world and to the world of art. A city that became one of the great capitals of the cinematic imagination, and a teeming set itself, between the end of World War II and the dolce vita, from Cinecittà to the Via Veneto, with its peplum movies and its comedies all’italiana, and its treasure of both stars and character actors who were born here and worked here.
It’s this dynamism and this wealth of experience that naturally led to the creation of CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma, a great urban festival of the highest quality but also with a real feel for the people of this city. It’s a Festival designed for the public, which starts from the Auditorium, the heart of the whole event, and spreads out to involve the entire city, in the very locations that turned Rome into one of the legends of world cinema.
Rome Film Festival springs therefore from this city’s great love for cinema; it’s a festival dedicated to those who love cinema but also to those who want to discover it and are ready to adventure into the experience of its endless magic.
Walter Veltroni
Mayor of Rome
President of the Honorary Committee
CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma


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